Dienstag, 14. Juni 2011

FW: bilderberg


From: nhammes@hotmail.de
To: norbert-hammes.palindrome@blogspot.com
Subject: FW: bilderberg
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 17:21:43 +0200


From: nhammes@hotmail.de
To: info@danielestulin.com
Subject: FW: bilderberg
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 17:16:07 +0200


From: nhammes@hotmail.de
To: nhammes.palindrome@blogspot.com
Subject: bilderberg
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 17:13:20 +0200







Main issues of this text are:


1. Until now not available information about the death cases of imprisoned

so-called RAF-terrorists in Germany in 1977


2. Informations about ( hidden ) repressions against my person by the

German government


3. Background information about what's happening behind the sceneries

of power in economy, administration and politics



Unless stated otherwise, I refer to two conversations held in my parents'

home not far from the city of Bonn, Germany.


The first mentioned talk I held there with my father at the house bar

- somewhat alcoholized - during the second half of New Year's Night 1979-80.


The second conversation I had with my mother in the afternoon of July 21th, 2005


I hereby solemny swear that all my statements are delivered at best knowledge.

I am fully aware of the fact that delivering a wrong oath is a crime and

will be pursued.


I consider it necessary to spread these informations as far as possible

as quickly as possible.



0.  Basically I hold clear memories of that conversation with my father

( Wilhelm Gustav Hammes, born March 1st, 1933 at Altenrath (Troisdorf),

Germany - died Oct 27th, 2004 ) in spite of the alcohol.


I am perfectly able to reproduce the main statements.


Except for those issues that are to be discussed in the first chapter.


At the time I must have realized - if anything at all - merely a rough

notion of what was expressed. Later I succeeded - if at all - only in a

vague memorizing. So I will report on this subject not by personal memory

but by what my mother told me much later.


That mentioned conversation with my father had basically the character

of a political discussion. Personally I have always pursued a freedom-loving,

leftist and anti-imperialist way of thinking.


My father's mentality was hardly democratic at all - he called himself

"elitarian" and was inclined to defend the traditional system of society.


In this New Year's Night he declared that he was a member of the "Bilderberg-

Club". For more about this read below.


Amongst other issues we talked about the German para-military troop GSG 9.

I hold very clear memory of that. He stated to have been in touch with

this group himself. If you believed it or not, he said - even this troop

can be bought. He mentioned something about "object securing".



1.  Later then the issue of left-radical "RAF" must have been on the agenda.


In the so-called "German autumn" of 1977 events culminated in a hijacking

of Lufthansa-airplane "Landshut" to Mogadishu ( aiming at freeing political

prisoners in Germany ) - followed by a forced "solution" of this problem

by the GSG 9 - with eventual "suicides" of RAF-prisoners in their cells



But in fact it happened to be like several media even then had suspected

that it really might have been. There was a virtual exchange of prisoners

set in scene and then the seizure of the airplane took place.


Later on, the prisoners were murdered by the GSG 9. Their "suicides"

were only faked.


The master-plan to all this was developped by my father. There existed,

of course, a crisis committee installed by the Federal German government.

Behind this, nevertheless, a different, a secret team was working, which

was led by my father.


My father negociated personally with RAF-leader Andreas Baader in his

prison cell. He accompanied him on his flight to Mogadishu.

He had political discussions with him which he said reminded him of talks

with me.


Finally he cheered up in triumph on Baaders desolation when he made clear

to him what was going to happen.


He was not present at his execution.


At first, Baader had not known about the GSG 9 - which was not present

at the airflight - and found himself in a winner's mood.


If just Baader or also other prisoners were flown out is not absolutely

clear to me but I think so. At least I recall vaguely that this was also

stated, especially in connection with the alledged exxchange.


Also the ride to the airport in Germany was mentioned.


It happened also to be my father who developped the plan to execute the

( remaining ) prisoners and to fake their "suicides". Like this it was

to be prevented that such events as the hijacking of the plane could occur

again. If only one of them stayed alive in prison, this had to be feared.


I then mentioned a surviving female prisoner and my mother confirmed

that there "had gone something wrong".


All of this must have been told to me by my father before, but back then

I wasn't able to perceive it properly. I only learned it from my mother

in 2005.



2.  This conversation with my mother happened to be a very emotional dispute.

Such "loosening" of the atmosphere led to a presenting of informations

which I never would have got otherwise.


First of all it was about the succession rights of my father who had died

in october 2004. My brother and my mother had taken position against me.

My brother was not there at this conversation.


He works as some kind of "security chief" at Cologne-Bonn airport.

Like that, my mother said, to some extend he moves around in similar

circles that also my father would have mingled with.


Some time after the conversation with my father ( around springtime,

I guess ) there occured threats by phone against my brother concerning

kidnapping and murder. Only in 2005 my mother explained to me this had

been arranged by stately security circles to put pressure on the family

- just to keep me from talking. Before that, obviously my father had

confessed to his politically related persons that he had made a mistake

by informing me.


Since that time I seemingly undergo observation as a carrier of secrets

by German institutions.


Some time after this "kidnapping" affair it became obvious that all living

places of family members were bugged. At my brother's place - as I was

told - there was frequently an unbelievable drilling in the wall to be

heard. More whistle-like sounds at my parents' home. There occured also

something like this at my own place - I lived as a student ( or rather

examination candidate ) close to Bonn - but basically only once, when

there were also other persons around.


Due to the "kidnapping" affair my father would have engaged private eyes

to screen his social surroundings. These individuals found out that I was

constantly observed.


By this time my father introduced me to the fact that there were several

( formal, but hidden ) stately investigation activities going on against me.

Including investigations by the anti-terror-department of the Ministery

of the Interior. To me then, this didn't make sense at all.


When I finally had done my studies I had to wait several months for the

start of my service as a stagiaire teacher. Thanks to certain contacts

I could spend this time rent-free in a remote recreational home close to

Valencia, Spain. That recruitment date was postponed once more - like

this I spent some extra time in a cheap apartment on the island of Gran

Canaria. Of course, German "security" circles, basically GSG 9, didn't

miss out on this and I was observed there as well.


My mother said they had already put together - if not sent out - a team

to liquidate me in Spain. My father prevented that only in last minute.


He would have convinced these circles that I was too reasonable to pass on

anything. Nobody thought it possible that I had not even absorbed this

sensible information at all.


My mother was really serious - without any trace of sarcasm or irony -

when she said that my observation had caused expenses in the millions -

for that money I could at least have listened properly!


Years later, I moved into a mobile home in Holland for some period.

At the beginning of this time ( early 90s ) I got so intensely observed

that I even got aware of it myself - again I had no explanation.


They weren't content with me living abroad outside their reach in a

caravan where they couldn't install any bugs - which obviously had

happened everywhere all the time. Intensive audiovisual surveillance

has always taken place.


So my father was informed this wouldn't be acceptable - they were going

to kill me. My father then could calm them once again. Very obviously -

my mother also expressed it like that literally - all of those years

the circles didn't know exactly "what to do with me".


Also she told me, due to the succession trouble, my brother planned to

tell them I was going to talk - just to get rid of me.


I then commented in a somewhat bitter mood that I could gain a little

extra to the wanted heritage values by selling the RAF-story to "Spiegel"-

magazine. She answered if I even tried this I would be dead immediately.

Of course total surveillance would also happen there.


Background of my comment was the fact that years ago an anonymous member

of GSG 9 had passed by the regional quarters of that magazine ( where

I also had walked by several times myself when I lived in this region )

on Immermannstrasse, D�sseldorf. Where he delivered details of the killing

of a RAF-member in the train station of Bad Kleinen.


This had been presented to the nation as an act of self-defence which

- due to obvious facts - nobody ever would have believed.


The words of my mother taught me that this informant later on got tortured

and killed by his comrades of GSG 9.


She also stated this GSG 9 was "in charge of executions in Germany" and

that it would operate worldwide. Basically it could be compared to some

sort of mafia-gang - also pursuing their own private "business"-affairs.


Like that it wasn't really controllable by the government.


In the meantime the ruling political establishment wouldn't care anymore

if I informed the public or not - with these events being history now.


In a certain contradiction to that she uttered possibly then I would be

brought to the public, maybe talk on TV or similar things. The state -

she said that literally - "could not afford this".


I then would get killed anyway - even if the public definitely would get

aware that there was something wrong.


She mentioned an arranged accident or suicide.


I want to stress that the worst possibility in my esteem is not to deliver

all information and then get killed - but to get killed without having

informed the public. And who knows, maybe it even provides a certain

shelter for me to contact the public!


Also, this troup would have access to satellite-based technologies for

worldwide identification of target persons. Nowadays it would be possible

to trace every living being in regard of its energetic ( quasi electro-

magnetic ) "aura" which is like a fingerprint. In these times a witness-

protecting program isn't of any use anymore.


When she had some difficulty in explaining this I could help her out.

Stunned she asked how I could know - "this is secret anyway!"


Actually I had read about that years ago myself, although exclusively

with regard to U.S. service NSA. My mother pointed out now also an

institution like that GSG 9 had access to this technology.


In foreseeable future days, she added, it would also be possible to

trace thought patterns of persons.


Like that, luckily, there could strictly be no more opposition in society.


Maybe the most embarrassing of all her statements was that - although

in Germany after the war some process of democratizing seems to have

taken place - the "security apparatus" ( military, police, jurisdictional

system ... ) intentionally never has joined this development but stayed

stuck in authoritarian mentalities of the past.


If someone was attacked there all would hold on to one another - a state

within the state. You could see this for instance by the release of

practically any policeman ever before court.


Practically this meant that I was only able to survive a couple of hours

if ever I happened to be brought to a prison cell in Germany - and like

that into the "realm" of this apparatus.



3.  During the mentioned New Year's Night's conversation my father reported

to me with deep regrets ( a very clear piece of memory which I had put

in a wrong circumstance for so many years ) there had been the urge felt

to liquidate innocent and serious journalists because they had found a

trace. Actually I had always thought he would have uttered this in connection

with the true backgrounds of the resignation of Willy Brandt ( see below )

- but that doesn't seem to make sense.


My father had already been talking on the issue of the "Bilderberg"-club

before that night - but then without mentioning a personal involvement.

At that time people were talking about the Italian "P2" association.

My father stressed this was only a "dwarf", comparable things would

exist on a worldwide scale.


He mentioned a hotel where he said he had observed a meeting.

I guess it was in Luxemburg where he used to dwell.


In front of the entrance there would have been a huge police presence

- with nobody guarding at the back door.


Names like Henry Kissinger and Sheik Yahmani were dropped.


My mother stated in 2005 he was personally acquainted with the latter.

( She also let out he knew industry leader Schleyer very well. It was

only the kidnapping of this person by RAF-members which got him interested

in the affair. )


Even otherwise it had become clear before that mentioned conversation night

that my father would move around in somewhat dubious political circles.

Once he said he had become a member of Germany's conservative party CDU

( it is also possible that he said it later, but he said it ) - on another,

probably earlier occasion he admitted to have spied around in somewhat

leftist social-democratic circles.


Basically it was to be expected he said that in Germany there would come

a day X when right and left would be clashing - then the democratic mask

would be dropped. He talked - only very roughly sketching - about plans

to concentrate and liquidate leftists in this case.


After that New Year's Night my father was cautious enough only to talk

scarcely about political issues in my presence.


I recall him for instance mentioning social-democratic politician

Wolfgang Roth who would play an important role behind the sceneries of

parlament. During discussions he would twist and bend most incredibly -

alledgedly somewhat comparable to myself.


In the second following New Year's Night after the mentioned one there

was still a similar talk with my father - maybe a bit of an allusion

to the first one - which, however, was not of likewise significance.

Here, I only hold vague memories. Although it is possible that some

few points that I will mark clearly have been discussed in this second

night and that my memories overlap each other in this respect.


Only for the sake of curiosity I like to note that my father - due to

the consommation of alcohol - confused the denominations "Bilderberg"

and "Spiegelberg" club all the time.


According to my knowledge there also seems to exist something called

"Spiegelberg" club.


My mother confirmed, however, he was talking on the issue of the "Bilder-

berg" club.


Which is actually not really top-secret.


The powerful meet in regular conferences, sheltered from the press.

Once I saw Prince Bernhard interviewed on a Dutch TV-channel.

He seems to have played an important role in this association.


A bit too demonstratively he laughed out even twice on the question

if it was - as occasionally whispered - some kind of a "secret world



Also otherwise media - even in Germany - talk about "Bilderbergers".


What did my father point out in that New Year's Night 1979-80?


He spoke about details concerning the course of such conferences.

In regard to location he mentioned a quiet not too big hotel close

to Amsterdam where meetings would have taken place. Later on there

was a change - but as far as I remember it was still the Benelux

countries ( Belgium, Netherland, Luxemburg ).


Concerning Germany he mentioned a meeting-point at Bad Oeynhausen.

There he would have observed Helmut Kohl and Helmut Schmidt promenading

through the park in harmony - while they would argue fervently on TV

for the mass audience.


( Little surprisingly, my father thought of Schmidt as an overarrogant

bastard and of Kohl as a fat idiot. My mother pointed out after my father's

success he would have been in high esteem, no important political decision

in Germany was made without his consent. Actually he seems to have "ruled"

the country. According to my memories also the process of German re-unification

was mentioned. )


With regard to one of the major conferences ( I guess also in Benelux,

maybe Netherland ) my father went into details.


As a chairman Nelson Rockefeller was expected and he had imposed a strict

ban on alcoholic drinks, being a quaker or something similar.


Nevertheless everyone was sipping on cocktails, ready to hide the glass.

Every time a ( service-owned? ) Lincoln Continental arrived there was

an alert given.


Everybody behaved like that - including Willy Brandt, whose name was

mentioned. My father did not.


There emerged a little discussion with Rockefeller during which my

father was asked to leave the room - which he refused to do. Little

by little all other participants then presented back their glasses.


My father laid emphasis on the statement that - as he had opposed the

most powerful man on earth - he had been the most powerful man for one

moment. Somehow this seemed to have promoted his status, and alledgedly

they would have listened more to his concepts.


My father could explain the resignation of Willy Brandt in detail.

The Guilleaume spy affair served only as a cover-up. It had no real



In fact Brandt was somewhat too "left" for the German industrial elite.

( Alledgedly, he "couldn't free himself of certain marxist concepts" -

relatively literally )


One of the leading personalities of so-called BDI ( my father mentioned

his name several times but I can't remember - BDI, i. e. German industrial

association "situation in Cologne - powerful enough to bring every chancellor

to fall" )


had ordered this chancellor in his office, confronted him with intimate

snapshots and told him he wasn't tolerated anymore.


As Brandt wanted to preserve his public image he agreed to resign.


I hold further, extremely clear memories of specific topics which logically

cannot derive from the mentioned first New Year's Night but must be from

the mentioned second one.


France happened to be on the agenda - at the moment "our biggest problem".

Young intellectuals from the entourage of Mitterrand thought they could

change things - but that would be delt with somehow.


Mitterrand, of course, was not a problem. He knew "how far he could go",

he was "one of us".


On my interpellation - little surprisingly, then he would be not a real

socialist - my father answered slightly ironically: "Do you really think

there are real socialists around?"


There was also rudimentarily mentioned ( I even think it's possible

this could have been in the first New Year's Night, but I'm not

absolutely sure ) what was later introduced to the world as the "SDI-



New technologies were due to be developped featuring satellites and

laser-beams to secure worldwide predomination for good.


By the way, the Soviet-Union had the same development capacities as the

West, anything else being mere propoganda. According to the theories of

my father, the possession of the Federal Republic of Germany was the

decisive factor.


If the Russians had conquered West-Germany they would have been the

leading power. Besides, Europeans had to defend themselves, Americans

could not be trusted upon in a real crisis.


Selected representatives of the Soviets were granted membership in the

club - so they could see what was going on and misunderstandings could

be avoided. - Apart from that the Western ruling class seemed to have

become very powerful even in the Soviet-Union. Traditional Soviet leaders

would be "happy, if they stayed alive" - literally quoted, whatever that



Also, a club charta was mentioned - he quoted a few words and he pointed

out that by some theoretical or other reasons also some skilled workers

had been granted membership. He had made it there himself because of

his organizing and commercial talents - most especially because he had

taken leadership as a self-made-man in a 600-million-dollars world market

in the field of plastics engineering.


More or less in connection with the future SDI-project my father declared

the Western elite had drained gigantic amounts of money from their

national economies and kept it parked somehow in expectation of projects

to come.


Even years later he told the family members sarcastically all developped

economies suffered from a huge deficit. But obviously there would be

nothing and nobody owning a matching surplus. So where had all that

money gone?


Principally in all utterings of my father there was his generally observable

arrogant, anti-democratic and pseudo-elitarian attitude to be perceived.


In his view the world did really not belong to the people who inhabit

it but rather to technocratic and other elites who take what they want.


I don't share this view at all.


I submit my excuses and my compassion to all individuals and their

relatives who experienced hardship by activities of my father.


Finally, the following hints do seem important to me:


Using his influence, my father had removed a teacher called Dr. Bernhard M.

- known to my brother and me - from his function and forced into early

retirement because of his left-democratic attitude.


The very same thing he tried - without success - in regard to another

teacher W. .


Also, he had a law stagiaire called Karl-Heinz H. - known to me -

removed from his public functions for reasons of mentality.


My brother works at Cologne-Bonn airport with private "security"-service



My mother pointed out that by this service - on behalf of the Federal

airport police - regularly foreigners ( not accepted asylants, illegals ) were mistreated during expellations.


Finally I wish to mention once again the oath formula that I delivered

at the beginning.


All my statements are true and given according to best knowledge.




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